Regional Economic Outlook – Dr. Edward (Ned) Hill, OSU
Join us on the morning of March 22, 2023 at MAGNET’s new headquarters in midtown Cleveland for a discussion with Ned Hill, formerly the Dean of the Levin College of Urban Affairs at CSU, and now a professor of economic development at Ohio State University. Ned is a terrific story-teller who knows intimately the strings and pulleys of our regional economy. He’s also a clear prognosticator who understands where and how our region will move forward.
Dr. Edward (Ned) Hill is a nationally renowned expert on regional economies, especially those driven by the manufacturing sector. Recent mega-investments in the Cleveland-Pittsburgh-Columbus-Detroit zone in Autonomous and EVs, Robotics, Additive Manufacturing, Semi-Conductors and Advanced Energy present some very unique prospects for our region that will drive big changes as it affects all peripheral industries, from healthcare to construction. Aside from these technology drivers, what other forces are shaping our economy?
For more information contact, Grant Marquit,