
New EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub
EDGE returned to the site of its very first innovation session to see how it has changed after 10 years. The Hub recently held its Grand Opening and showcases the intersection of superior design processes and outstanding business and strategic modeling. The EY Wavespace featured a new Experience Center along with additive manufacturing tools, which complement Nottingham-Spirk’s tremendous facility, which already addresses ideation, branding, design, engineering, prototyping, and sourcing under one roof.
Participants toured the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub, providing insight into Nottingham Spirk’s proven formula for success – Vertical Innovation – while showcasing numerous case studies and product success stories. After the tour, participants enjoyed a Workplace Reimagined presentation, covering culture transformation, operating models, technology & innovation, and new ways of working. This presentation led into four breakout group discussions on culture in a digital age, hybrid work, using IoT in daily work, and talent retention/attraction.
To participate in the InnoQuest Innovation Management program contact: Chris Keller ( or Grant Marquit (