InnoQuest | Ignite Creative Thinking
Join us on the towpath in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park (Century Cycles) where we’ll embark on a course of raising our heart rates and creative output at once! It’s a coincidence that this next InnoQuest session will be “socially-distant” and outdoors (cycling or walking) – an appropriate and timely way to get back into the mode of personal innovation leadership.
Managing innovation is critical to sustainable growth. InnoQuest creates a collaborative forum where Northeast Ohio innovation leaders can learn what can help their businesses grow today as well as how to take advantage of trends that are driving change.
In six bi-monthly sessions, participants gain:
- Best practices in managing and guiding the innovation process
- New working relations with peer companies & leading practitioners
- Actionable steps to improve a company’s innovation practices.
Contact Chris Keller for more information and to enroll in the EDGE InnoQuest program.