InnoQUEST | A Journey of Ideas, Inspiration & Ingenuity
An oft-repeated mantra in innovation management circles is the formula I = S/F, where I=ideas; S=stimuli and F=fear. Maximize stimuli and input, minimize fear, and Ideas (and the resultant innovation) should spout forth. For this session participants of the EDGE innovation management group will be guided on a tour of venues to provoke and inspire, without the fear of the unknown.
Starting our journey at Balance Innovation + Design, Director Rene Polin will frame out our experience. Then we’ll board Lolly the Trolly for a short trip to the Hamilton Collaborative, a re-imagined multiplex that houses Ingenuity Labs, Rust Belt Riders Composting, Skidmark Garage, ReBuilders Exchange, and Soulcraft Cleveland. Each of these organizations offers a different take on creativity, design and “making stuff.”
Next well visit Community Greenhouse Partners, which partners with organizations like CWRU School of Engineering and CSU’s School of Occupational Therapy to re-imagine how food is grown and distributed in our region. It’s an old church property that now hosts hoop-houses, chickens, beehives, seed farms, orchards, herb gardens and composting facilities right in the city. Finally, we’ll cruise by some other places-of-note and wrap up back at Balance Innovation before sending you off to let the new ideas percolate.
You’ll be surprised at how many opportunities you’ll see in the entrepreneurial underbelly of Cleveland (lighting, metals, water, health, permaculture, design, transportation, work-life balance, adaptive reuse, housing, etc.).
Contact Chris Keller for more information and to enroll in the EDGE InnoQuest program.
Professionally facilitated peer group meetings provide leaders with an opportunity to learn with and from leaders of other mid-size companies in Northeast Ohio facing similar challenges and opportunities in a trusting and confidential environment. Exchanges are robust and attendees are challenged to bring at least two takeaways back to their organization that can be immediately applied.