CEO Roundtable | Strategic Mindset
Becky Morgan, Principal of Fulcrum ConsultingWorks, has been a go-to operations and strategy consultant for growth companies for decades now. She posits that too often, CEOs treat challenges in any functional area (people, supply chain, marketing, etc.) as separate from the strategic priorities of the company, and therefore fall short of a cohesive model for operational effectiveness and growth. How do we pull the pieces together so that all functional areas are moving in lock-step? If you know Becky, you know her to be a no-holds-barred, uncanny diagnostician, too. This always leads to an engaging discussion.
Jack Schron, CEO of Jergen’s, Inc., and current Cuyahoga County councilman, has graciously agreed to host us and provide a plant tour after our meeting. His experience in growing and modernizing a legacy company, facing some of the same challenges as those in our membership, will lend nicely to the discussion.
Professionally facilitated CEO Roundtable meetings provide EDGE members with an opportunity to learn with and from leaders of other mid-size companies in Northeast Ohio facing similar challenges and opportunities in a trusting and confidential environment. Exchanges are robust and attendees are challenged to bring at least two takeaways back to their organization that can be immediately applied.