InnoQuest at Eaton | Author & Thought-Leader, Jim Gilmore
EDGE is thrilled to have internationally-acclaimed thought-leader and author Jim Gilmore for our final InnoQuest program of the year at Eaton Corporation in Beachwood.
Author of the ground-breaking book The Experience Economy, Jim will utilize tools from his latest book (Look) to address how all innovation begins with observation. What we see drives what we think and what we do. Key to any innovation are insights gained from observing customer behavior, market incongruities, and broader culture dynamics. Drawing from Look, Jim will share his observational tool called “Six Looking Glasses.” It’s a simple yet profound method for improving anyone’s observational skills. Using the tool is literally eye-opening, providing a practical new means to bring fresh insights to any individual or organizational endeavor. (See Jim’s bio below.) This will be interactive session with very practical applications.
Contact Chris Keller for more information and to enroll in the EDGE InnoQuest program.
Professionally facilitated peer group meetings provide leaders with an opportunity to learn with and from leaders of other mid-size companies in Northeast Ohio facing similar challenges and opportunities in a trusting and confidential environment. Exchanges are robust and attendees are challenged to bring at least two takeaways back to their organization that can be immediately applied.