InnoQuest | A.I. as a Driver of Innovation
Join your InnoQuest peers for a discussion as we look at Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) as a Driver for Innovation.
As leader of innovation, you may want to consider how A.I. can enhance ideation efforts, accelerate iterations and learnings, reduce failure rates, improve processes, solve customer challenges more effectively, etc. With, ChatGPT-4,, PaLM API and Maker Suite, and many tools not grabbing the headlines, what should we make of all this? We will try to separate the hype from current reality with a look at the one to five-year horizon. The common belief is that those who learned to use A.I. first will be at a competitive advantage.
Through the InnoQuest Program, participants gain:
- Best practices in managing and guiding the innovation process
- New working relations with peer companies and leading practitioners
- Tools & actionable steps to improve a company’s innovation practices
Contact Chris Keller for more information and to enroll in the EDGE InnoQuest program.