Improve Your Pricing During an Inflationary Period
Want to improve pricing without losing volume? Our Zoom meeting will be led by a dynamic senior profitability consultant from one of the leading companies in pricing strategy. Doug Butdorf from Boost Profits will guide us through an energetic, conversational, interactive, and story-filled morning to help you improve your pricing approach:
Join us to learn how rigorous pricing strategy and execution leads to profitable growth. We will cover:
- The power of pricing and discounting, with a focus on discounting as the enemy of profitability
- Price sensitivity and segmentation and how to leverage variable sensitivity
- Value-based pricing: Relentless focus on understanding and communicating value
Who’s invited? Those in your company most closely tied with pricing strategy: CEO, CFO, Head of Sales, Head of Marketing.
More on our speaker:
Doug Butdorf is a disrupter, venture catalyst, coach, steward, and advisor who brings insight on pricing, deal structure, and sales team development and training. He speaks and consults about strategic pricing and profit and trains teams to drive culture change for dramatic, sustainable results. Doug is seasoned in pricing, sales, marketing and business development at Fortune 500 corporations and start-ups alike and is a Senior Consultant and Profit Evangelist with Boost Profits.
Don’t miss exciting program sure to help your company improve its profitability.
Professionally facilitated hot topic meetings have broad interest among most peer groups providing leaders with an opportunity to learn with and from leaders in their company and from other mid-size companies in Northeast Ohio facing similar challenges and opportunities. Exchanges are robust and attendees are challenged to bring at least two takeaways back to their organization that can be immediately applied.
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