InnoQuest | New EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub
The New EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub will be fresh off its Grand Opening a week earlier and showcases the intersection of superior design processes and outstanding business and strategic modeling. There are great new stations, including the “inno-skeleton” & Wave Space, the Experience Center, and new Additive Manufacturing tools, which complement Nottingham-Spirk’s tremendous facility, which already addresses ideation, branding, design, engineering, prototyping, and sourcing under one roof.
EDGE’s InnoQuest participants will be privy to one of the first peaks into this new Hub with discussions led by senior leaders from both Nottingham-Spirk Design and EY’s innovation knowledge center.
Once one of the nation’s centers of urban blight, Cleveland’s Midtown District is suddenly emerging as a hub of technology, culture and innovation. Join us as we take a fieldtrip to this district and see the pieces of the visionary puzzle start to fall into place, linking the health, medicine and educational centers with the burgeoning Innovation District. With the emergence of the Opportunity Corridor that connects the eastern end of I-
InnoQuest is a continuous journey designed by and for people charged with driving innovation. The 2021 schedule blends practitioner-led and academic content with peer-based knowledge sharing, field trips and a few surprises – all with the intent of improving the way innovation is approached, from corporate strategies to individual creativity. Join us and other leaders from around Northeast Ohio.
Through the InnoQuest Program, participants gain:
- Best practices in managing and guiding the innovation process
- New working relations with peer companies and leading practitioners
- Tools & actionable steps to improve a company’s innovation practices
Contact Chris Keller for more information and to enroll in the EDGE InnoQuest program.